Odds and Ends in Bennington, VT

Over my years in Upstate NY, I have driven through Bennington countless times to get into New England. It’s a charming little town full of surprises and quite the destination all on its own. Are you a Robert Frost enthusiast? His famous words, two roads diverged in a wood, and I— I took the one less traveled by, and that has made all the difference…always spoke to me. He lived a town over from Bennington, but his grave is located in the city at the Old First Congregational Church [1 Monument Cir, Bennington, VT 05201] is in a gorgeous old cemetery.

robert_frost_grave_benningtonBelow his name is inscribed, “I had a lover’s quarrel with the world.” Perfect.

In other news, have you ever counted the moose sculptures around town? There are so many, all unique snowflakes.

bennington_mooseMy favorite (not pictured, you’ll have to go out and find it!) is the Starry Night moose. If you think it couldn’t get any better than moose, there are also tons of COUGAR statues! Wow, Bennington is one lucky town.

I have also dubbed Bennington as ‘Covered Bridge Capital USA!’ Why, you might ask? Because there are three of the bridges in town (and two more in the county!!):

covered_bridge_bennington_4Burt Henry Covered Bridge, 34 River Rd, North Bennington, VT 05257

Paper Mill Village Bridge, Murphy Rd, Bennington, VT 05201

Silk Road Covered Bridge, Silk Rd, Bennington, VT 05201

covered_bridge_bennington_5There is even a Covered Bridge Museum [44 Gypsy Ln, Bennington, VT 05201] if you’re really fanatical, you can learn all about them!

Other fun Bennington spots:

+Blue Benn Diner

+Elm Street Market

+Bennington Battle Monument

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2 Responses to Odds and Ends in Bennington, VT

  1. julieovaltrades says:

    Take it up this winter!

  2. Anonymous says:

    If only I had learned how to play bridge…

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