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Chittenango Falls State Park, Central New York

A stunning gem with mighty views, Chittenango Falls State Park [2300 Rathbun Rd, Cazenovia, NY 13035] was a highlight on our road trip through Central New York. This park has the highest rate of return for the smallest amount of effort! Check out the trail map,

Chittenango-Falls-state-Park-just .36 miles on the Orange Gorge Trail (add a bit more to finish the loop, not even a full half mile), and of course you can extend your stay by completing additional trails in the park. It is more of a nature walk than a hike, anyone who can walk up and down stairs can and should enjoy this trail. Even if you can’t do stairs – you can still get some excellent views of the waterfall just seconds from the parking lot on the accessible trail.

Chittenango-Falls-state-Park-2We took the walk down though,

Chittenango-Falls-state-Park-5meandering past some wonderful views of the falls and reading informational panels along the way.

Chittenango-Falls-state-Park-3 Chittenango-Falls-state-Park-4Best of all was the view from the bridge directly in front of the falls! Magnificent 167 feet of falling water, after just a few minutes of walking.

Chittenango-Falls-state-Park-7You could turn back and go the way you came, but who doesn’t enjoy a good loop? We finished crossing the bridge after oogling, and headed up a short steep path and found ourselves on the other side of the falls with a new angle.

Chittenango-Falls-state-Park-12From high above looking down on the bridge we just crossed a couple was taking their wedding pictures, couldn’t think of a more breathtaking view!

Chittenango-Falls-state-Park-10 Chittenango-Falls-state-Park-11We followed the creek past some gushing water and colorful wildflowers,

Chittenango-Falls-state-Park-14 Chittenango-Falls-state-Park-13And under a bridge.

Chittenango-Falls-state-Park-1Looking for more of a walk we continued onto the blue trail for a bit, peaceful and quiet with more patient waters.

Chittenango-Falls-state-Park-15This park is certainly worth a stop if only for a few seconds to see the falls, an hour or so to walk the lovely trails, or a day full of fun and picnicking.

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