+Smith Creek Park, 633 Shenandoah St, Wilmington, NC 28411
There is no run I love better than a simple loop around a lake.
No turns to keep track of, always a nice view, birds and trees, this 1.3 mile track was one of my favorites in the area.
The trail is paved, but it is easy enough to run on the side of the path which is easier on the knees. Mileage is labeled. There are restrooms, a children’s playground, and even a fun interactive storybook along the trail for kids. The park made a recent addition of a one mile nature trail, great for a cool down walk.
+Hugh Macrae Park, 314 Pine Grove Dr, Wilmington, NC 28409
A sprawling park equipped with ball fields, playground, splash pads, a lake, and so many blooming azalea bushes in spring – this is a very popular place. Two times around the 1.5 mile paved loop with mileage marked made for a great run, with a cool down in the garden afterwards. Always woodpeckers looming about, some great hills. I never took any pictures here, but it’s got everything you could want in a town park.
+Halyburton Park, 4099 S 17th St, Wilmington, NC 28412
A very idyllic park in a natural setting, you can run around the 1.3 mile paved trail or stay on the wooded trails which are softer on the knees.
There is a lake filled with ducks, turtles, and I even saw a hawk swoop on down hoping for a meal.
There is an emphasis on wildlife here and many informational signs to teach about the local flora and fauna.
You’ll find a visitors center, restrooms, and playground as well.
+Cross City Trail, on the corner of Eastwood Rd and Rogersville Rd
In total, this is a 15 mile multi-use trail, part of the East Coast Greenway. You can pick the path up in many areas, but the one closest where I was staying was easy and scenic. I never took any pictures here but there was a lovely lake with many ducks, woodpeckers, and turtles.