There was a bright shiny sign and a big green field in front of me. Imagine all the Frisbees that could be thrown. I looked at the battered trail map and started across the field.
I intended to walk every path possible in this park. As I first set foot amongst the tall grass on the well maintained trails I noticed a woodpecker and nuthatch.
In my goal to explore every path I encountered a lot of dead ends. I was plopped out onto streets, behind apartment buildings, and by a high school field. I was never lost though, and there were a good amount of long enjoyable trails through the woods.
I heard and then saw the Amtrak go by, a short disruption of nature, but hey – we’re in a city here.
There were some great rolling hills, it could be a perfect running spot. The preserve is called ‘Tivoli Lake’ so of course I made it to the main event.
At the bottom of a large hill it appeared. Long, undisturbed, covered with a layer of ice. So quiet. Could this be exactly what the area looked like, hundreds of years ago? Abandoned, and I loved it. I will be back when spring breaks to see what this park, right in my own backyard, looks like in a different season. Maybe I’ll see you there, but if I see no one but the birds, maybe that’s not such a bad thing for nature to claim it’s own slice of the city.