If you’re lucky, you’ll start with the most lovely lady to tell you the history of the dessert and how it was synthesized. Sure you can read about it in the exhibit, but she is a wonderful storyteller and has her own flair. Next, search about the artifacts, retro advertisements,
recipes, and interesting factoids on display. WOW – there are over 100 Jell-O molds, which is your favorite?
Mine was the cat, see if you can spot it. Oh hey, a link between Jell-O and the Wizard of Oz, that’s funny because I was just at the birthplace of that story the day before.
New York is full of surprises. Can you name the original four flavors of Jell-O? Do you know which president eats Jell-O salad every Thanksgiving? Could you ever guess which American city consumes the most Jell-O? You’ll find the answers to these burning questions and more, at the museum.
PS – there is more than just Jell-O on the premises!
Downstairs take a quick peek at the transportation exhibit and walk about the adjacent historic home.
I love quirky little museums like this! Jell-O brings back so many childhood memories. I don’t think either of my grandmothers could have held a holiday dinner without some kind of Jell-O salad.