Off the beaten path adventures, hidden gems, and travel tips from around the World!

Harrier Hill Park, Hudson Hike

This is no case of false advertising Harrier Hill Park [6729 Rod and Gun Road Stockport, NY 12534] is the most aptly named preserve I have ever been to!

harrier_hill_park_stockportTake a short universally accessible walk from the parking lot to the pavilion and just as you were fawning over the lovely pastoral view of the Catskills,

harrier_hill_park_Bam! A Northern harrier flies onto the scene. They are quite distinctive with their long tails.

northern_harrierWelcome to Harrier Hill, if your visit is anything like mine, these gorgeous hawks will be popping in and out of sight ever so often. Once you are finished taking in that view, check out the trail map,

harrier_hill_park_1and head across the street to pick up the two mile blue blazed Stockport-Greenport trail. The trail leads into the red blazed Greenport Conservation Area if you would like to extend your hike. Your hike will take you along the edges of colorful grasslands,

harrier_hill_park_hudsona favorite spot for the harrier.

harrier_hill_park_5The overcast sky and intermittent sun added a unique element for the day.

harrier_hill_park_3Soon the trail will pass a green pond,

harrier_hill_park_scenic_hudsonand head into the serene woods.

harrier_hill_park_12A milky iced over stream was glistening on a warm winter afternoon.

harrier_hill_park_11We saw many other birds in the woods, including some loud woodpeckers! We were having such a great time the trail didn’t feel like two miles, and we continued well onto the red Greenport trail. When we decided to make our way back and return to the parking lot, the sky continued to show interesting displays.

harrier_hill_park_8Strange clouds over the open field, we were continually awed until our final moments at this park!

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