It was just another Friday evening. We successfully made it through the week and all of our groceries. Hunger strikes and the age-old question is asked, “what’s for dinner?” Over the past few months there has been quite a bit of buzz about Chester’s Smokehouse [15 Watervliet Ave, Albany, NY […]
3 posts
The term greasy spoon must have been coined after visiting Dan’s Place Two in Albany [494 Washington Ave, Albany, NY 12203 ]. Blink and you might miss it driving up Washington Ave through the Student Ghetto; a tiny little diner nestled between the areas typical slums. Don’t shy away, come in […]
I really like New Paltz. There are great options for hiking, eating, and it’s got a generally kitschy vibe. If I lived closer I might be there every weekend! 1st Trip: My first visit was last summer. We started the day walking around the old homes from the 1700s […]