High ceiling, interpretive art, friendly service, and darn good food. Public EAT+DRINK [34 Holden St, North Adams, MA 01247, parking in the back] is a trendy gastro pub where anyone can find something tasty that suits their palate. You’ll find lots of ingredients from local farms paired with craft beers […]
road trip
Driving down the street of a residential area and ‘you’ve reached your destination,’ did you make a mistake? No, you haven’t, and you’re not trespassing – you’ve reached the trailhead to the Cascade Trail [182 Marion Ave, North Adams – parking at the end of the block on the right]. […]
On a picture perfect day my girlfriends and I set out into the Berkshires to visit The Clark [225 South St, Williamstown, MA 01267]. Students and children under 18 are free, others pay a hefty $20 admission price – however the beauty of this museum is worth it for an […]
The Thousand Islands region is made up of 1,864 islands splattered on the Saint Lawrence River between the U.S.-Canadian border. It is a terribly scenic region worth the trip up north, 3½ hours from Albany. With islands come bridges. A series of bridges connect New York to Ontario, and one […]
There are a lot of peculiar places in the desert and if you know which stones to uncover you will discover some bizarre hidden gems. From San Diego, LA, Joshua Tree, or anywhere in southern California, make your way to Palm Springs for lunch time. It’s a perfect jump off […]
By car it takes just under six hours to make the trip from San Diego to Tucson. Six hours is quite a chunk of time, especially to spend driving on a relatively short vacation. Some people said that the trip would be boring, and asked ‘why would you want to […]
Overview I am lucky enough to have traveled West this February with my best friend, my amazing Mother! We flew into San Diego and road-tripped to Tucson. It was an amazing experience. This is an overview of the cities we spent time in: San Diego was such a charming city […]
A trip to Cooperstown for most usually has something to do with baseball, but it has a whole lot more to offer than that. Our first trip there was in the fall; it was a beautiful drive and included a trip to The Farmers Museum and Brewery Ommegang. The Farmers […]
This week I took a road trip to the Finger Lakes Region with my Mom! Day 1: We stayed in a little town called Horseheads, a central location to many of the areas we wanted to explore. We got into the area just in time for lunch and traveled in […]
Had a phenomenal Memorial Day weekend road trip through DC, MD, WV, and PA! Here is the breakdown, day by day: Saturday Day 1, D.C.: We left Long Island at 7am (drove from Albany the night before to family so they could watch our cat Sassy, and we could […]