If you’re looking for a quiet walk in Columbia County Mud Pond Preserve [591 Central Nassau Rd East Nassau, New York] is the perfect spot, you may just have the entire place to yourself. The parking lot and kiosk look new, the paths are well maintained. Take a good look […]
3 posts
Known as the ‘Central Park of Central New York,’ Onondaga Lake Park [106 Lake Drive, Liverpool, NY 13088] has got a lot going on. Just minutes from downtown Syracuse dense streets give way to green grass and an expansive lake. Onondaga Lake is the focal point of the park, 4.6 […]
There’s something simply magical about the elements at work on the Mountain Top Arboretum in Tannersville [Intersection of County Road 23C & Maude Adams Rd, Tannersville, NY 12485]. Only minutes from the main drag in the kitschy town, head on up the hill, and after you pass by some beyond […]