On our trip to Boston we only stayed in town for one night. On a Saturday morning we left at the crack of dawn from Albany – it was dark, frosty, and the sky was sprinkled with stars. The drive is just under three hours on I-90, and we were […]
3 posts
Skradin is a small town on the Krka River near the entrance to the Krka National Park. We were lured here for dinner for a number of reasons, and each dream was thoroughly made into a reality at Zlatne Skoljke [Grgura Ninskog 9, Skradin 22222, Croatia]. We ducked in out […]
What does the Grateful Dead, Anthony Bourdain, and a killer fish taco have in common? A trip to Mexicali Blue in New Paltz [87 Main Street New Paltz] of course! I thoroughly enjoyed my visit here, but be warned, this place is tiiiiny. We had just finished a hot hike […]