Orchids are one of the most exceptional and exotic blossoms I have encountered in life. I love how such a bold and vibrant flower pops out of a slender mundane stem. My love began when I went to the orchid show at the Bronx Botanical Gardens and saw the incredible […]
Any time I enter a garden conservatory I feel as though I’ve been transported to another land. No matter what the weather is outside, under the glass frames the temperature is catered to the warmth the plants require – and I happen to crave. A visit to The Botanic Garden […]
Los Angeles has a number of parks for any feeling, fitness level, or amount of time. Here are a few different parks to try depending on your day: A lovely stroll… Echo Park Lake [751 Echo Park Ave., Los Angeles, CA 90026] is a charming little park where the main […]
Bright vibrant colors of beautiful blossoms galore! The University of Copehagen Botanical Garden [Øster Farimagsgade 2B, 1353 København K, Denmark] is a must see for naturalists visiting the city. The park is free to visit, and a stop at the wondrous glass conservatory is a great beginning. Just a note, […]
The Arch (Natural Attraction, Windward) If you park at the Halona Blowhole parking lot (Kalanianaole Highway heading east in Honolulu) and walk across the highway, head west past where the rail ends, you’ll be heading in the right direction. You can pick a comfortable spot to scale the rocks and […]
Wahiawa Botanical Garden (Educational, Northshore) This is the garden we visited on our way to the northshore one day. It is located close to the Dole Plantation and opens a half an hour earlier, so we were there right as they opened, 9am to make the most of our day. […]
I have always been curious about Albany’s Buckingham Pond, and found the time to visit this afternoon. This place is truly a hidden gem. If you were dropped here without any knowledge of your surroundings you would never have a clue you are within such a bustling city. The houses […]