Do you shop at Fresh Market? Are you going for a bite to eat in Latham? Maybe you’re a student at Siena College. Maybe none of these things apply to you, I just generally like to clump activities located near one another together. I was actually doing none of the […]
Albany has New York’s second largest urban nature preserve, an impressive fact, but it seems to be abandoned. Abandoned by the city, who ignores its potential. Abandoned by the people, who are concerned for their safety in the Arbor Hill neighborhood. I don’t even think half the people in Albany […]
Wahiawa Botanical Garden (Educational, Northshore) This is the garden we visited on our way to the northshore one day. It is located close to the Dole Plantation and opens a half an hour earlier, so we were there right as they opened, 9am to make the most of our day. […]
Lasdon Park is a very unique place located in Katonah which I enjoyed exploring. It is a relatively large park with many well maintained trails to hike upon. By the main parking lot there are lovely flowers and fountains and benches to sit and take it all in. The area […]
When you’re on Delaware Ave heading towards Delmar, maybe heading towards Jim’s Tastee Freeze, right before you cross the bridge you may have noticed a little green sign that says Normanskill Farm. I turned down there one day, and found a pretty special place. Turns out there is a lot […]
A very interesting hike in the Catskills is Overlook Mountain. The hike can be strenuous for some, as it is mostly uphill with little relief until you reach the summit. However, when you get there you will not be disappointed. You will find the remnants of an abandoned hotel, great […]
I am so thankful I have rediscovered the library. So many people spend so much money purchasing an e-reader or buying books, and I don’t mind support authors once in a while, but the library is so free! It allows me to read so much more on a budget. Many […]