+The St. Blaize Hiking Trail is 8 miles long one way, but you can hike for as long or as short as you’d like on it and find inspiring coastal views. Start by parking in the spacious light near the Cape St. Blaze Lighthouse, right from the parking lot there is action, dassies are very active in this area and would be with us the entire hike!
When you get moving head up and check out the cave which has been of interest to people since the Stone Age.
Continuing on the trail can become narrow or rocky, and there are rolling hills – but the views evolve with each bend you reach.
+Agulhas National Park is the southernmost tip of the African continent, an exciting place to explore. Starting off from the lighthouse (which you can walk up for a nominal fee) take the boardwalk down towards the ocean.
It’s a great walk to admire the turquoise water and rocks covered in orange lichen.
There are a few things to seek out here, first you will run into the Southernmost Tip Monument, a map of Africa laid out on the ground.
Next, you will want to find the stone marker at the actual tip where the Indian and Atlantic Oceans meet.
This is a must stop photo-op spot and it’s usually busy, so make friends with other tourists to snap your picture.
Continue walking out along the coast admiring the scenery, looking at birds and for whales.
Blooming succulents were another welcomed splash of color to the environment.
Keep heading west (with the ocean on your left) along the coast and approximately a mile and half from the lighthouse you will find the Meisho Maru Ship Wreck.
The cape is famously dangerous to sailors, storms and rogue waves have taken many ships to their watery grave. There is nothing between you and Antarctica as you gaze at this rusted wreck.
This is the Guide to Day 4 of Gardens Route National Park, click the link to help plan the rest of your road trip.