Step with care when you are hiking in the desert environment of Albuquerque, New Mexico, it’s the perfect place for a rattlesnake to camouflage. The World’s Largest Rattlesnake is hiding naturally just out of sight, a quarter of a mile off of I-25, snaking 400 feet down the median of University Boulevard.
There is no designated parking lot, so you can only take a quick drive by the sculpture.
Find it! GoogleMaps GPS Location: Giant Rattlesnake in Median
Fun Rattlesnake Facts:
+There are 36 different rattlesnake species in the Americas
+Rattlesnakes are ovoviviparous, meaning they give live birth after developing eggs in their bodies
+You can call a group of rattlesnakes a rhumba
+Rattlers move their rattles 60 times or more times per second
Avoid Unniversity Blvd! But seriously, after spending months out west in the desert not seeing one snake I went home and finally saw my first rattlesnake in New York!
Wow. We don’t like snakes.