Strolling the Paseo de Gran Canaria

Figras is not a bustling tourist mainstay in Gran Canaria, but a quaint local village in the north of the island. You won’t find many attractions pulling you this way, but taking a detour is a welcomed change of pace. Experiencing the Paseo de Gran Canaria may only take a few minutes, but the colorful tiles boast the pride and traditions of the archipelago.

The pedestrian promenade is almost 100 feet long situated on a hill, its upper reaches display three motifs of the seven Canary Islands within a lively square.

Of the seven, each has a mosaic showcasing a natural image of its respective island as its top.

On the bottom left, a topographical representation of the island including its highest elevation and its square kilometers.

Lastly the bottom right corner shows each of the unique coat of arms for its particular island.

Walking down to the lower portion of the passage, on one side there is a seven tier cascading fountain boasting Figras water source on a desert island.

The side other shows the 21 municipalities of Gran Canaria atop ornately decorated ceramic benches.

Completed on May 27th, 1995 the artists at work here have created a place which breathes a timeless air. There are a few quiet restaurants and a church in town, if you are looking to savor the atmosphere.

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