Systrastapi: Sister’s Rock in Southern Iceland

This is a hike that exceeds expectations, a little known and under appreciated gem. In Southern Iceland Systrastapi, known as Sister’s Rock is paired with a legend. In the 14th century two nuns of the Benedictine convent were burnt at the stake, one for fornication & selling her soul to the Devil and the other for speaking blasphemously of the pope. It is said that their remains are buried on top of the rock, the destination of this walk. An easy 30-minute jaunt through a pastoral landscape is made even lovelier with no other tourists present.

Along the way there is an odd hoodoo formation jutting out of an otherwise normal cliff face.

A most wonderful and exciting element is certainly Rauðárfoss, a very unique waterfall.

The basalt column falls have a burnt orange backdrop due to the iron in the soil.You must cross the shallow water (not enough to get my boots wet) to continue along the trail.

From there it isn’t far to reach the rock with the sad and storied history.

For the daring and able, it is possible to climb up to top of the rock using a thin rope for a view and to discover the grave of the nuns.

They say that after the Reformation of 1550, the second nun was posthumous declared innocent and flowers grow on her plot, while the other sisters remains unfruitful. Whether you climb up or not, the valley is a stunning sight filled with grazing sheep.

+Don’t miss nearby Systrafoss, Sister’s Waterfall

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2 Responses to Systrastapi: Sister’s Rock in Southern Iceland

  1. julieovaltrades says:

    Thanks! I love how icelandic geology is almost always paired with legend.

  2. usfman says:

    Good story to accompany this blog.

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