It is my personal favorite waterfall in the country, there is a riveting three mile roundtrip hike gaining 1,300 feet to reach the falls. To begin the head through the gate meant to keep the livestock out of the road and up the stairs.
A river runs through the deep Hengifossárgljúfur Gorge, its source is our destination, peaking out in the distance.
There are benches along the way for those who are looking to rest and admire the scenery, and plenty of exciting elements that heighten the journey.
Before you reach the main waterfall, there is another named Litlanesfoss, or the Basalt Column Falls.
It is so stunning that it would be worthy of its own hike, yet we are lucky enough to grab a two for one deal. Plunging down a narrow gorge this waterfall is 100 feet tall with a two step cascade. Its hexagonal basalt columns are some of the highest in the country, up to 65 feet. Other small waterfalls are present and distract from the elevation gain.
When you reach the curious collapsed sandstone you are almost at the end point.
Hengifoss, or the Hanging Falls, drops 420 feet from a plateau and what makes it so interesting is its geological feature dubbed the red strata.
Formed from volcanic ash during the warm damp climate of the Tertiary Period six million years ago, clay and iron compounds formed within the soil. When an additional layer of lava flowed over this acidic soil, a reaction occurred between the iron and oxygen creating a reddish color.
With the sun hitting the water, a magical rainbow emerged in its mist. If the river is running low it is possible to go behind the waterfall and into the hollowed out rock cave. The water makes its way out into one of Iceland’s deepest lakes, Lagarfljot, which you can admire on you walk down.
Within the lake is the ancient and mysterious wyrm monster named Lagarfljotsormur. It was first seen in 1345 and there have been many reports since then, so keep a look out.
Upon completing the hike, remember to shut the gate behind you.
Good to know:
+Free parking lot with restroom
Places to visit nearby:
Thanks so much. Dive trips would be a fun idea!
I’m fascinated about the many legends and stories in Europe about sea monsters, like loch ness monster (nessie) or this one, I wonder why not further investigations have been done. Great post!