The preserve is a 3 ½ miles long by up to a mile wide valley with the Ellida River bisecting it.
Reykjavík is the only capital in the world to have a salmon fishing river flowing through its limits. Arctic char, salmon, brown trout, and eel are plentiful – it is common to see locals fishing, but you must purchase a permit to do so. Locals also love to cycle and jog along the many paths winding through the park.
Though the space is rather large, the paths are easy to navigate because they flank the water and run in a logical circle around the perimeter. Paved circuits and dirt trails lead to a series of waterfalls.
Each more dazzling than the last, and the last was absolutely magnificent – even after riding around the entire country seeing the highlights.
Pedestrian bridges casually cross the river here and there, over twenty are found throughout the park, the first of which was built in 1883.
Colorful autumn wildflowers speckled the pathways as we looked for for birds.
Fifty nine species have been spotted in the preserve, most commonly mallards and greylag geese, but a startled common snipe flew away so quickly that a picture wasn’t in stars.
Rounding on to the west side of the valley the most exciting thing happened, a friendly bunny appeared, entirely unperturbed by human presence.
So amiably it hopped right on over and booped me.
Then there was another.
And another.
Some cuddly pairs.
Even a group.
Until we found that we were absolutely surrounded by mildly wild bunnies and it was utterly dreamlike! A photoshoot occurred, each of these cuties had such unique coloration and hairdos.
Even better, a moving picture shows how populous these creatures are in the park.
To be honest, we saved this place for the last day of our trip and it was slotted as a ‘if we have extra time before the airport’ sort of activity. However, with all of the natural splendor, wildlife, and excitement – I’d recommend making a point of visiting.
Coordinates 64.114095, -21.826642 will bring you closest to the waterfall.
This is where it is on GoogleMaps:,-21.8248987,3a,75y,80.56h,90t/data=!3m8!1e1!3m6!1sAF1QipM3T1hFosM69b1qqmAXGPLXwEMKwvBPvG4DU3CP!2e10!3e11!!7i8192!8i4096
Hope you find it and enjoy this beautiful spot!
Thanks for the information! 😎 where do you recommend parking, especially if we wanted to see the waterfalls? Thank you
I wanted to take one (all) home!
wow the bunnies are so friendly and furry!