The clear and cool water of the Cypress Creek stems from nearby Jacob’s Well and rainwater is filtered through limestone bluffs above the blue hole.
It is such a magical spot that fairies have taken up residence in the tree sitting on the bank of the creek.
A rope swing is in place for quick access, additionally you can wade in the shallow end or take the ladder down to the deep end. This is a natural swimming hole, so the bottom is a bit slippery and rocky at times. A short and accessible paved pathway leads to the spring, there is a grassy lawn to lay your towel on.
Swimming is only allowed from May-September and online reservations are required, an admission fee is charged. If you’re not swimming or it is off season, there is no charge. You can still greatly enjoy this park that way, for instance spotting fish in the crystal clear waters.
Or birds perched up in the tree.
Wildlife is numerous along the 3.5 miles of hiking trails, I even spotted a fox that was too sly for the paparazzi. Additionally there are picnic areas, a playground, basketball court, sand volleyball court, and an amphitheater.