Upon European discovery, the overflowing spring was described ‘like unto a well in Bible Times,’ and thus dubbed Jacob’s.
In the 1800s people would come in horse drawn wagons to see this magnificent wonder. In the 1950s a heavy rain filled the well with gravel and local landowners worked together to build the concrete diversion wall that still stands today, to protect it from filling again.
Jacob’s Well is a karstic spring, meaning that it is found at the end of a cave system. The cave was created by slightly acidic rainwater eroding the limestone over millennia. It has a depth of 140’ and is 4500’ long. The water stays a constant 68 degrees and is the headwaters of the Cypress Creek.
Eight diving fatalities have occurred at this site in just 20 years, making this one of the world’s most dangerous dive spots – only those with special permits are legally allowed to explore the depths of the underwater labyrinth. The area is open for swimming seasonally and online reservations are required with a small fee.
There is no fee to park or hike around the preserve, you’ll need to make a short walk to access the well from the lot.
Free tours available on Saturdays for a more in depth geological and historical information.