Eat Breakfast Tacos at Veracruz All Natural in Austin, Texas

Breakfast tacos are a must in Austin, Texas and eating them from a food truck just reinforces the fact. The best in the city are from Veracruz All Natural, don’t sleep in too late because they are only open through 3PM.

Walk up assess the menu and order, you’ll be handed a buzzer. Get the migas, they will change your life. Eggs, tortilla chips, avocado, pico de gallo, and Monterey jack cheese for $3.50, these masterful creations are consider one of the top 5 tacos in America.

Crunchy, creamy, a little spicy, and obscenely delicious. Well worthy of their title, be sure to adorn them with your choice of salsa.

Don’t forget the bebidas. Nothing follows a spicy salsa like a Mango Tango smoothie, made with low fat yogurt and fresh fruit so you don’t have to feel so bad.

There is no way you’ll leave here feeling anything but amazing.

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