Peabody Hotel, Memphis Tennessee

Looking for a place to stay in Memphis, Tennessee? When it comes to accommodations for travel I’m not picky. I don’t have to stay at the fanciest hotel, it’s just a base to pass the hours between exploration. The Peabody Hotel in Memphis however, is a landmark I wouldn’t want to miss! No I didn’t stay there overnight, but I did stop by for a visit. Everyday a special tradition occurs at the fountain in the main lobby. The excitement begins outside as you see footprints leading to the entrance.

I got there just a few minutes before the show was about to start and the crowd was enormous!

It was difficult to find a space to view the red carpet – can you believe all these people are piled in waiting to see five common mallards?

Image from Google

These are some of the finest showducks in the country, ready to march. The duckmaster in his scarlet jacket oversees the procession. It all happens so fast! Before you know it the ducks have come down the elevator, waddled down the hall, and jumped into the fountain.

It’s difficult to get a picture far off from the sidelines, but kids are allowed to sit right beside the carpet.

The duck march practice runs as long as the 1930s, one ‘duckmaster’ held the position for 50 years. These are very famous ducks, having appeared on Oprah, the Tonight Show, and Sesame Street.

After their big act they waddle back to the elevator and onto their rooftop palace. Up there they live in a $200,000 structure made of marble and glass including a replica of the hotel, a fountain of their own where a bronze duck spurts water, and a grassy front yard. The highlife! Peabody ducks work for three months before retiring to a farm to live out their golden years.

Good to know:

+There are two marches daily at 11AM and 5PM

+Get there early to obtain a prime viewing spot

+Duck is not served at the hotel restaurant

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