Radnor Lake State Park, Nashville Tennessee

How a city integrates with nature is always an interesting balance to observe. Radnor Lake is one of the most diverse natural locations in the Nashville area, you are almost guaranteed to see a wonderful variety of wildlife on your hike.

There are over 6 miles of trail and a walk around the namesake lake is a fantastic option.

Along the way admire the lovely flora, tuber flowers are a favorite of hummingbirds.

Enchanting pools of water look like a perfect hunting ground.

Heron lurk on the edge looking for a meal.

Wood ducks were plentiful.

A cardinal listens to the sound of rapids.

Little yellow birds avoid the paparazzi.

Swallows crowd a narrow branch.

Turtles line up in numbers.

What a lively place! Pets, joggers, and cyclists are allowed on the paved Otter Creek Road trail. Recharge your batteries after a long night of honky tonk hopping, it’s easy – and free! Parking is a cinch, there are lots on either side of the preserve, and it’s only 15 minutes outside of downtown.

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