I really loved learning about life on the Tennessee frontier, there were so many truly interesting little tidbits and even home remedies to learn! Did you know people would bleed a cat and apply the blood directly to treat shingles? Or that for an earache, you can simply put brandy and pepper on black wool, apply it to the ear, and you should be good to go. There are roots from our everyday life which stemmed from these times. The etymology of a buck, such a common term we use when talking about money, stems from hunters like Daniele Boone who would go out in search of buck deer’s skin worth a dollar. Some great artifacts from the frontier that I would never imagine are on display.
The exhibit on presidents Jackson and Polk was also fascinating, as America expanded west.
Aside from history, there is also some great art from Tennessee residents.
The museum is currently closed at its prior location but will be opening in October of 2018, better than ever.