A few blocks traded the shade of the skyscrapers for sunshine and a surprisingly immense view of Charlotte.
This little plot of heaven was named for a Charlotte born artist and it features vibrant gardens, picnic tables, and interactive elements.
Music seems to be a defining motif, step on some unsuspecting squares and a song will ensue.
Clang on larger than life chimes.
Sure those elements may be for kids, but how can you resist? Adjacent to the park there is a hidden little pedestrian alleyway to grab a bite to eat.
You just might be so smitten with the park you’ll want takeout with a view of the cityscape. It would be great to visit in the evening and see the buildings all lit up, for a different kind of feel.
I’m from NY, but I spent a lot of time in North Carolina last spring. I was swimming in the ocean all throughout March. NC has a true spring (that I feel we lack up north) and it’s such a nice season!
Sorry i screwed up my last comment. I was going to ask if its already spring in charlotte?
Last time i checked it was still snowing in Toronto lol.