Third time I parked near Slingerlands.
Most recently I explored the Albany area and I have to say, this was my favorite of the whole bunch, and luckily – the closest to home! I drove by the parking lot twice before I realized where the entrance was – just next to the Center For Disability Services [700 S Pearl St, Albany, NY 12202].
This portion is paved so you’ll find bikers and rollerbladers, just be aware and stay to one side.
At first as I’ve always noticed with on these trails you begin close to civilization. Keep walking and it begins to fade away. Cats are traded for bunnies and butterflies.
Flowers thrive, green prevails.
What excited me most about this trail were the big rapids that appeared!
I love crossing over and under the bridges and following the river.
Who knew all of this was right here in the city limits? Not too many people, actually, which makes it a very peaceful experience.