In the winter this would make for an epic sledding spot, but I’m happy I visited on a vibrant spring day. Out of the parking lot I took a quick detour to check out the pond which was reflecting the gorgeous blue sky, and had a dash of bright green algae.
Then I took the well worn path headed for the hill. The whole walk isn’t more than a mile, but you’re heart might pump a bit if you run up to the 550 feet stretch to the top like I did.
A cool breeze wicked away my sweat and I gasped at what was before me. Seriously, I felt like Simba…all of this was mine, as we had the top of the hill to ourselves.
Those Catskills are quite the sight. There are some pretty neat rock slabs up here that have the names of the specific mountains carved into them so you can identify what’s in front of you…they make pretty great seats as well!
Tromping around the top of the hill like a lion I noticed a little Geodetic Survey used for charting longitude and latitude.
Other people were heading up, so we decided to let them have the place to themselves and we descended the back side of the hill, saying goodbye to the glorious view.
It wasn’t our last look at a beautiful blue sight, though. This path runs beside some trees where a pair of eastern bluebirds reside – New York’s state bird!
You can see the difference in color of the eye-catching male compared to the more dull female. All in all this hike, maybe more of a nature walk, didn’t take very long at all though it was a wondrous time. I could envision packing a picnic and frisbee to stay the whole day!