Off the beaten path adventures, hidden gems, and travel tips from around the World!

Historic Champlain Canalway, Halfmoon Hike

Bike, jog, or walk your way back through history. One day this trail will take you from Lake Champlain at Whitehall to the Erie Canal at Waterford, over 60 miles. Today there are 7 miles open to the public connecting Waterford to Mechanicville. There are a few different entrances to begin your visit to the Historic Champlain Canalway [Route 4 and Brookwood Road, Halfmoon NY]. We chose the first coming up from Albany and hit the road.

Historic_Champlain_Canalway_halfmoon_This is a National Recreation Trail, a program which celebrates the nations pathways.

Historic_Champlain_Canalway_halfmoon_2The path followed the canalway pas some beautiful wetland, woodsy, and mountainous scenes.

Historic_Champlain_Canalway_halfmoon_5There were fish and tadpoles swimming in the water. Watch for birds in the water and the sky. We saw mallards, red tails, and even a bald eagle soaring in the distance.

Historic_Champlain_Canalway_halfmoon_3Remnants of the 1823 canal stonewalls are seen along the way. Spy a stone arch culvert which allowed the McDonald Creek to flow between the canal and the weir.

Historic_Champlain_Canalway_halfmoonThe flat gravel path is a perfect surface for you to focus on nature, fitness, or walking and talking with friends without worrying about watching where you are walking!

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