The tree is located in a park, fenced off, and has specific hours for viewing so make sure you’re going when it’s going to be open! We parked in the crowded lot and took just a few steps to join the people mulling about under the shade of the tree which covers 17,200 square feet. It’s a massive beast, sprawling and romantic. The branches are thick and drape onto the ground. Some are supported by planks. You’re not allowed to climb the tree, there are many signs right beside the trunk that let you know. Between the signs and the many other people around, it’s a challenge to get a picture of the tree alone.
Walking around the outskirts will give you a number of different perspectives.
Keep circling until you find that perfect shot, people, signs, and all, that grabs the magic of this majestic being.
After viewing, photographing, and bear hugging this beautiful tree, take a peek in the gift shop. You enter through the back, closest to the tree, and there is an enclosed area where a lady is selling her amazing sweetgrass baskets. Inside the main building there are all sorts of items with pictures of the tree ranging from magnets to coffee cups and calendars. There are some really interesting items in here, especially the books that shed light on the Gullah culture that is found throughout the Lowcountry. All and all it shouldn’t be too long of a visit. I can see why it’s such a popular attraction, there is something special about being in the presence of an old and noble part of nature.
Lucky you!! Loved the city, stay tuned and let me know if I missed anything for next time.
I lived in Savannah for a year and a half, so I’m looking forward to seeing where you visited!
Yes! Going to be writing about Savannah in the upcoming weeks. Saw that awesome tree down there as well, must be something in the soil down there 🙂 .
It’s an incredible tree! Didn’t you go to Savannah on this trip as well? Did you see the Candler Oak there? It’s not quite so large, but pretty close.