Off the beaten path adventures, hidden gems, and travel tips from around the World!

A trip to South Carolina & Georgia

March is probably my least favorite month in New York. Cold and snow are expected in December, January, February. By March, we’re over the hump of winter and you let your guard down when you get a few warm spring days, which are a total tease. Just when you think you’re safe you get blasted by cold. And apparently in Albany, 4 inches of snow in the first week of April.

But I wouldn’t know a thing about that. I ditched out of NY and headed down south where the end of March to the beginning of April is a sweet spot, not too hot or buggy, but totally beach worthy. We found a very affordable flight, booked some amazing airbnb’s, and decided to make a mini southern road trip.

We started in Charleston, SC where we absolutely fell in love with the historical city and our wonderful hosts…

charleston_south_carolinaWe hit the road and ventured down the coast hitting some phenomenal cities and funky spots along the way…

Making it to Savannah, GA a city I’ve dreamed about for years where we stayed with an artist who’s sculptures lined the premises, watched the sunrise over the Vernon River from our bedroom, and kayaked to his private island all before visiting the city center!

savannah_georgiaAfterwards we booked it up to the capital city of Columbia, SC to do one of our favorite things, hike around a National Park! We also loved relaxing at the pool and cuddling with an adorable yellow lab at our place.

On our last day we woke up early and traveled back down to Charleston to complete the loop. We visited some places we missed the first time around and had an afternoon flight back home. All of this in seven days! It was busy, but never hectic, and driving was made fun on account of our new kazoos – more on that later.

kazoobie_kazoosWe were really curious about the southeast, a booming area where many people are moving either for jobs or retirement, and just plain excited to explore some new cities. So over the next few weeks I’ll be sharing our favorite finds from all over South Carolina and Georgia, plus a throwback to the time I visited one of my besties in Atlanta, GA before my blogging days, just for the fun of it! Stay tuned…

Side note about airbnb:

Vacation rentals are a great way to cut down on costs when traveling and have a really unique experience. With airbnb you can choose from many different arrangements whether you would like a private room in a home – or a whole house to yourself! Some rentals come with great perks, decorations, surrogate travel pets (always mentioned in description – so don’t worry if you have allergies), and valuable information from locals.

airbnbWe’ve stayed in fantastic airbnb’s in the 1000 islands, Boston, Hawaii (Big Island, Kauai, and Oahu), and of course Charleston, Savannah, and Columbia. If you’re interested in a location where we have tried out and enjoyed, feel free to contact me and I’d be happy to give you more information.

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