I remember the first time I visited, our middle school class went at the culmination of our renaissance studies and it was a blast. Years had passed without revisiting or even thinking of the place. When the Game of Thrones books came out Jeff and I got really into them. Around his birthday the thought of a trip to Medieval Times popped into my head as a great gift. I even got him knighted. We loved the experience so much that it became a tradition to go every year for his birthday.
Enter the castle and don your crown. Get there early to take a look around at period weaponry hung upon the wall, meet some of the kings court, and grab a drink at the bar before the show begins. Dinner is served to you throughout the show. You will eat with your hands and drink out of goblets. Cutlery is witchcraft! The fare is very tasty and filling. You will get buttery garlic bread, tomato bisque to slurp, roast chicken to tear apart, potato, corn, drinks, and dessert.
I truly look forward to this annual feast! The performance is thoroughly engaging from the storyline to the costumes and lights. You’ll watch epic battles between knights using a variety of weaponry, gracefully trained horses, and a peregrine falcon will soar above the stage.
The performers are really talented. Root for your hero and he may just throw you a rose!
Medieval times isn’t just located in New Jersey, it is a franchise found around the US and Canada. It is a really excellent overall experience and as the story changes, it’s worth visiting over and over again!