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Hike Wailua Falls, Kauai

Kapu means forbidden, but sometimes, rules are meant to be broken. In the case of Wailua Falls [On Maalo Rd, off of Hwy 580, Lihue, Kauai, HI], that overlook just doesn’t cut it.

wailua_falls_kauai_Sure it’s gorgeous, but there is a much more exhilarating view from the base, and behind the falls. The hike is short, muddy, buggy, and seriously steep. The first challenge is finding where it begins. The trail was once sanctioned, but recently closed off due to foolish actions of hikers that ended with terrible consequences. Use common sense! Do not attempt to go swimming under these raging falls. Walk down the drive away from the parking lot following the guardrail and notice a green fence.

wailua_falls_kauai_6When the green fence ends, cross the barrier and walk the narrow strip back towards the parking lot.

wailua_falls_kauai_5You will come to a post, and notice a rope.

wailua_falls_kauai_3A system of ropes in place will lead you down the precarious hill.

wailua_falls_kauai_2Proceed with caution, and be prepared to get real muddy. Good shoes are a must. Once you are at the base the rocks are slippery, once again, continue with the utmost care.

wailua_falls_kapuFeast your eyes on Wailua Falls!

wailua_falls_kauai_1A magnificent double waterfall with double rainbow in tow, now seen in all of her glory. There is a clear cut, slick, trail that leads directly behind the waterfall – an amazing experience. If you venture all the way behind the falls, leave anything you don’t want to get wet quite a few feet, because you will get drenched! So worth it, the chilling mist is quite refreshing.

wailua_falls_hawaii wailua_falls_hike wailua_falls_The whole hike is less than a mile, but the hike back up that steep hill will get you sweating. When you get back to the parking lot thinking the day couldn’t possibly get better, you may run into the local star Oscar and see that you were wrong.

wild_boar_hawaiiThis adorable boar struts around the lot and stole my heart! Be sure not to get too close, as cute as this invasive guy is, he is certainly still a wild animal. Also, do grab a loaf of banana bread from the lady who is selling it out of her truck.

wailua_falls_kauai_7Absolutely wonderful post hike snack filled with chocolate chips, raisins, and coconut – still warm from the morning when she baked it. This free attraction turned out to be one of our most cherished memories of Kauai, it is way more than simply and overlook!

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