Enchanting Pickity Place [248 Nutting Hill Rd, Mason, NH 03048] offers a five-course gourmet lunch topped with edible flowers and herbs grown in the garden out back. Reservations are strongly advised, there are three seating’s a day. Get there early and wander around the garden or in the shops as you await the lunch bell.
Inside children and adults alike are delighted by the set up for Red’s room, and the variety of books and trinkets for sale.
Be sure to meander down to the through the garden into the lovely drying shed,
Watch the three generations of sheep eat lunch,
Keep your ears alert for that bell though, the grounds are oh so sweet, but lunch is calling! Each month a different menu is available which you can view prior to your visit online. Wolfing down this meal is no easy task, have a very light breakfast if any at all! We were seated to a quaint corner table and happily nibbled on fruit and cheese.
We read our zodiac and decided upon drink and main course options.
From drinks to salad, soup, and bread, everything was flavorful and fresh.
I decided on the veggie option, Jeff had the meat, both were almost to beautiful to eat.
But of course, we devoured them. Delicious to the last licks of the fork. Perhaps my favorite course, and if you know me it comes as no surprise, was dessert. A little lemon and blackberry cupcake, so dense, sweet, and tangy – topped with a perfectly ripe berry.
Also, who knew you could eat the petals from a rose of Sharon? The service and product of this restaurant go above and beyond creating quite the magical experience – and a lunch that will not soon be forgotten.