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Woodstock Swimming Holes: Millstream and Big Deep

Access is now private and restricted.

Indian summer, it’s a blissful thing. Another week with temperatures up in the 80s means more swimming and sunning, I’ll ride this train as long as I can. There are two popular and totally legal swimming holes in Woodstock, Millstream and Big Deep [Both names are recognized by Google maps, Millstream is near the Millstream Rd + Old Wagon Rd intersection, Woodstock and Big Deep is a mile down the road by the intersection of Casablanca Ln + 212, Woodstock]. Just two minutes off of the main drag in town down some quiet back roads you’ll find a line of cars and a small crowd of people enjoying this serene scene. Make sure to follow the rules of the parking signs, I saw a cop walking down the line writing out tickets for those illegally parked. You’ll be fine as long as you pay attention to signs, there are plenty of spots if you are willing to walk a bit. Head on in to find gorgeous green water sparkling in the sunshine, brisk and deep.

big deep millstream woodstock 1Big families, older couples, young teens, twenties, thirties, dogs – everyone here is having fun, and being very respectful. People look out for one another, an older woman warned me that the rocks were slippery. Be warned as I was and walk with caution. Find yourself an open spot and decide whether you want to wade on in from shallow to deep, or dive off the rock and just get it over with!

big deep millstream woodstockIt’s so wonderful to swim in a (legal!) natural setting, you won’t be able to wipe the smile off your face!

big deep millstream woodstock 2 big deep millstream woodstock 3Enjoy this weather while you can, have a great swim in Woodstock.

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