This is quite a heavenly oasis on a hot day. Come early to score lounge chairs, towards the end of our stay people were laying towels on the cement. The outdoor pools are a perfect temperature for swimming. There is a pool where you can do laps, a pool with fountains and jets, and my favorite to play in was the center whirlpool.
So much fun to hop in and go for a whiiiiirl. Once you’ve had enough sun you need to head inside to check out the warmer thermal baths. We hit the sauna downstairs first which was asphyxiatingly wonderful. There is an extremely cold bath next to it which was a shock to the system. Then up the stairs there are many baths with different temperatures to choose from.
Some are small, some are big, none were shockingly hot. We found one which was on the warmer side and not too crowded and gazed at this beautiful plant and soaked in the thermal waters.
One was green and interesting smelling with a more medicinal purpose. It wasn’t too crowded and people were actually doing laps in it.
All in all this was an extremely relaxing activity in bustling Budapest, filled with fun, sun, and thermal waters.