Off the beaten path adventures, hidden gems, and travel tips from around the World!

The Local Flavor Cafe + Peebles Island

I love walking around the Empire State Plaza farmer’s market on a sunny afternoon and seeing what local vendors have to offer. I tried a really great sample from The Local Flavor Café and asked if they had a storefront. I journeyed to nearby Watervliet, barely 15 minutes away from the city, and had a fantastic dinner. The space was small but sweet, and the owners friendly and fun. We enjoyed samples as we were deciding on what to order. Asparagus bisque was delicious with salty crackers.


Fresh brewed raspberry iced tea was great, and thankfully not sweetened. I even got to pick my own colored straw. Sandwiches were awesome, everything is fresh and local.


Even though there was no room left in my stomach, we had dessert! Jeff had a peanut butter cake and I had a lemon slice, yum.


Really enjoyed the food and friendly folk at this little restaurant, and after a huge meal it was time to walk it off at Peebles Island. Peebles is a beautiful place for a short hike that is very rich in wildlife, also extremely close to the city. I have seen deer every time I’ve been here.


I had a great encounter with a woodchuck, such magical creatures.


The rapids are always a fantastic sight, especially after heavy rainfall.

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There are many beautiful views, trees, and flowers along the well marked trails.

DSCF8189 DSCF8188 DSCF8187 DSCF8177Butter-and-eggs (Linaria vulgaris) 

Such a splendid evening of feed and fun!


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