Off the beaten path adventures, hidden gems, and travel tips from around the World!

Buckingham Pond

I have always been curious about Albany’s Buckingham Pond, and found the time to visit this afternoon.

This place is truly a hidden gem. If you were dropped here without any knowledge of your surroundings you would never have a clue you are within such a bustling city. The houses surrounding the lake are beautiful, and this park is filled with families, people and their dogs, people fishing, and most importantly a bit of wildlife. I spotted a yellow warbler and a hairy woodpecker along with the usual grackles, red-winged blackbirds, and mallards. The lake is long and narrow, .72 miles to walk the perimeter, but in a short distance there is much to see.


I spotted abundant little violets in white, purple, and blue


And an assortment flowering trees 



And two turtles, one on a log and one battling for the log 


This was a really enjoyable little park, and it was nice to shake up the normal Washington Park routine. This park is only 8 minutes from center square. There is a small playground and parking lot.


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