Off the beaten path adventures, hidden gems, and travel tips from around the World!

Spindles on Remsen, Cohoes

Seriously, there is something special about Spindles on Remsen [241 Remsen St, Cohoes, NY 12047].

spindles_cohoes_Cohoes isn’t the first town I think of when trying to decide on the date night dining scene, but I love being proven wrong. We walked in and the place was trendy and romantic, yet super casual and relaxed…perfect! I love the tapas style menu which allows you to try a variety of items and share everything. We picked a whole assortment of plates and each bite was better than the last! Our first bite was a set of scotch deviled eggs. We had just recently tried deviled eggs for the first time and loved them – so we figured we’d have another alternative go at them.

spindles_cohoesThese morsels were beyond divine, the intense flavor and texture of them was out of control! Next stop: bruchetta with feta cheese and balsamic – what an amazing combo, so succulent we nearly licked the plate.

spindles_cohoes_1We decided to try duck for the first time and there couldn’t have been a better place to start. The meat was perfectly cooked and the sauce was heavenly, a perfect accompaniment of melt in your mouth beans, greens, and bacon.

spindles_cohoes_2On to the asparagus cavatelli which was so filling and bursting with sweet peppers, tangy cheese, al dente pasta – my goodness.

spindles_cohoes_3We could have stopped there, but the salmon was already on its way. Lemon, herbs, flaky goodness, we needed our Omega-3’s right?

spindles_cohoes_4Completely full, near the point of combustion, but…there were smores on the dessert menu. To all that is holy, this was one of the most epically delicious desserts I have ever eaten.

spindles_cohoes_5Gooey toasted marshmallow on top of a decadent brownie with a graham cracker infused with PRETZEL crust. Praise you, spindles, and your absurdly devious smores dessert. Thank you for a most lovely and wonderful dinner date night!

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