Student or not, you have a great reason to visit the school. The Yale University Art Gallery [1111 Chapel St, New Haven, CT 06510] is a destination for art lovers, and this exceptional museum is free to enter – open since 1832.
Art from ancient times till present day is represented throughout the four floors of the building.
The ancient Mediterranean room is astoundingly beautiful when the sun floods in through those floor to ceiling windows.
An interesting artifact I’ve never come across before caught my eye, horse armor.
Also, the stag and the unicorn made me smile.
Fast forward a couple of hundred years and you’ll find all of the familiar names. Monets,
and a great Van Gogh I’d never seen before called The Night Café.
Don’t miss the courtyard out back, it has a few sculptures.
An absolute treasure in the community and a great place to spend a few hours in Connecticut. The best things in life are free.