It’s a really cool learning experience, walk around to see what fruits taste like and when they are ripe.
You can pick whole fruits or ones that are cut up already depending on when you want to eat them. So what did we get? Two of the infamous fruit milkshakes: one with sapodilla, pineapple, and banana the other with black sapote, coconut, and banana. They were thick, luscious, and the best ever.
Seasonal fruits are available at different times, we tried canistel – mango sweet potato, custardy texture, tamarind – sweet, sour, and really sticky, balck sapote – chocolate, seriously! guanabana – cotton candy like., and some regulars that were all excellent: orange, spinach, cucumber, and an avocado.
I always bought the little hass avocados, but Robert himself swore the big ones were best! He got us hooked on them. It was an adventure trying a different funky fruit each day, really bringing strange joy into the rest of the week. I wanted to try the miracle fruit which changes your tastebuds and the ridiculously huge jackfruit, but those will have to wait till next time!
This place is a whole experience with live music and a petting zoo to enjoy while sipping on your milkshake in the shade!